Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Alison is 9...really?

She is an amazing girl. But is growing up so quickly! Her day started with the traditional breakfast in bed, (Reese's Peanut Butter Puffs this year!) and just got sweeter as the day went on. We had ice cream sandwiches at school, friends for cake and a movie after school, and then a night out with Grandma to see The Secret Garden! What a thrill it is for me to watch her grow. She has such an optomistic and uplifting personality. I hear here telling me a lot..."it's okay mom, don't worry." I definitely take after my dad that way. I don't worry about her because she has been given a gift to know right from wrong and most always chooses right! It's good to be your mother Alison. I love you!


Julie Hunt said...

Wow! Nine years old! It sounds like she had a great day.

Amy Coons said...

Holy Hannah. If she's gotten this old, that means I'm how old??? You're awesome Alison!

Angie Adam said...

I am so in shock! I can't believe Ali is 9!!! I'm starting to feel old!! =)

Elisa said...

Happy Birthday Allison! Val...it's so fun to see what you guys have been up to! You have a cute blog!

Shelby Bingham said...

Before you know it she will be as tall as you, Val!! YW is right around the corner too! Yikes!